Formatter definition
Create a MyDsl.format
file in the core plugin of the language in the
package - e.g. org.xtext.example.mydsl.formatting
Base class
The default base class for AbstractXXXFormatter
is AbstractDdkFormatter
if any other has to be specified then the extends clause has to be defined in the format
configuration file (.format), just after the grammar and optional extended formatter names,
together with this custom base formatter class qualified name - see below - 2nd line:
formatter for org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
//constants, rules, etc. 2
Formatter custom code
Ensure that MyDslFormatter
extends AbstractMyDslFormatter
generated out of Format DSL.
Project configuration
Ensure that your language core plugin has a Xtext nature
Xtext grammar on which a basic and a complex Format examples are based.
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate myDsl ""
MyDsl :
Element :
"element" name=ID
("min" "=" min=SignedInt)
| ("max" "=" max=SignedInt)
SignedInt :
("+" | "-")? INT;
Basic example
formatter for org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl
MyDsl {
"begin" : increment after, linewrap after;
"end" : decrement before, linewrap before;
Complex example
formatter for org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl
const int FOO = 2;
MyDsl {
"begin" : increment after, linewrap FOO after;
"end" : decrement before, linewrap before;
Element {
rule : linewrap before; // (1)
group 1 => group 1 { // (2)
"=" : space " " around; // (3)
"min" : linewrap before, column 10 before;
group 1 => group 2 : linewrap before; // (4)
"="(2,2) : space " " around; // (5)
=max, =min : offset 20 before; // (6)
SignedInt, "max" : no_linewrap between; // (7)
* {
["=", "."] : no_space before; // (8)
("begin" "end") : left.linewrap after, right.linewrap before; // (9)
An explanation to the Element declarations in the above example:
specifies the grammar rule Element, i.e. line-wrap before each Element
group 1 => group 1 ...
specifies that the context is the min alternative
this is used in the nested group context and refers to the 1st equals sign i.e. the
following keyword"min"
group 1 => group 2 : ...
specifies the compound element containing the max assignment
this references equals sign 2 of 2 in Element, i.e. the
following keyword"max"
=max, =min
formatting applies to min and max assignments
SignedInt, "max"
suppress line wrapping bewteen rule SignedInt and keyword “max”
["=", "."]
keywords in the Grammar. In contrast to declaration in 3. this does not refer to a specific keyword, but all keywords with values"="
. -
("begin" "end")
Find all keyword pairs begin and end in the Grammar and configure a linewrap after begin and a linewrap before end.